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    Kido GM/Intern Application.


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2011-12-19
    Location : Ova Da Rainb0w

    Kido GM/Intern Application. Empty Kido GM/Intern Application.

    Post by [K]id Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:56 am

    Your Name:
    CALL ME Kid(Kid doesnt mean what the word meant)

    17(told you, I'm not a kid)

    Your IGN:

    Ingame Level/Rebirths:
    Lv:200 175 Rebirths


    How Active are You:
    At least 3-4hours aday. As long as I touched my computer.

    How long have you been playing AnarchyMS or ImmortalMS:
    3days or so

    Do you have any GM Experience, If so please provide proof, and a description:
    Yes. I've been a GM in another server(v83) , but it got shutted down. I lost all my proof since I deleted MapleStory v83 few months ago because I wanted to concentrate on my exams(MAPLE KEEPS CALLING ME , I nu chi0ce)

    Why Should we Pick You what can you do to help, please do not rewrite anything from above:
    I don't want to say that I'm respectful or what so ever. It depends on how you judge one by youself. So besides catching hackers all day long and keep the community a fair and equal place for everyone , making events and stuff that keep our players in-game, I have great ideas to make our community grow and I'll always think of ideas to make this community grow . Not just catching hackers and make events , which basicially most of the players can do . Just not the ones who would become a GM and fuck up the server(abusing powers).

    What would you do if your not picked for GM:
    I'll continue to stay in this server , give my suggestion and make this community grow.

    Additional Info:
    I Lub t0 tr0ll. mi bery k00l .
    But I'm really serious while dealing with players.

    Contact Info:
    PM me if I'm accepted. TY

    Any other Information:
    What I hate the most: STUPID GMs WHO FUCKUP THE SERVER.(and no one could ban em)
    Wut I lurb most: I liek Toys Very Happy

    AND I don't use vulgarity much , so don't judge. I'm trying to express how I hate those things to happen to a good server.

    Thank you for Reading my Application.


    i lurb u

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