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    Daniel's GM Application


    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2011-12-04

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Courage Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:20 pm

    Your Name:Daniel Cao

    Your IGN:Courage

    Ingame Level/Rebirths: Lvl:166 & Rbs:3

    Location/Time:Location: California & Time: PST.

    How Active are You:Weekdays 4-6 hours, Weekends 8-12 if I'm not busy.

    How long have you been playing AanarchyMS: I've been playing the first week that AnarchyMS was created.

    Do you have any GM Experience, If so please provide proof, and a
    description: Yes, I do have GM exp.

    I am Redemption in AnarchyMs v83. For the first month I was a intern. after two more weeks I was a GM. Then after a month or so I was a head GM. This was the best server I had every played.
    Daniel's GM Application  Best_f11

    Why Should we Pick You what can you do to help, please do not rewrite
    anything from above:I am one of the finest choices for your staff because I;
    I have what it takes to be a GameMaster. I would say, Socializing, Responsibility, Knowledge & Last but not least, Patience & Tolerance are the things needed to become a great GameMaster.

    1) Socializing - You will need to interact with Players from time to time, If a GameMaster himself cannot interact, Therefore it makes the player feels unwillingly to participate or carry on with the game. He can be open to listen to ideas from players and has to be rational enough to conclude if the players have a valid point. A GM needs to have it's respect from his players and nothing will stop or interrupt the game.

    2) Responsibilty - When there's something to be done, Someone has to do it, and that Someone will be among GM's, Back then like 3 to 4 months, I remember playing MoongraMS and they used to have GMs daily helping people transfer items, Warping people in & out, so what if? There is no GM, or basically, 1 decided to go AFK and the rest of the GM follows it's examples? I'm not saying a particular GM have to do it, But if everyone do their part, then isn't it easier for all?
    3) Knowledge - A GM got to know what his doing, Why, and When, The knowledge of every basic commands, Item No. Map No. Mobs.etc are important in helping the process of gameplay faster and easier. A GM is a person who runs the game within system that he himself needs to know and understand.

    4) Patience & Tolerance - Anger Venting, Cursed & Swearing from Players due to Item lost, Scam.etc are part & partial of MapleStory, A GameMaster Needs to have Patience or Tolerance.
    Patience, Need it most of the time to get things done step by step, Bit by Bit. Tolerance, To tolerate Players attitude, yet the same time needed to stay calm on every situation.

    I, promise, if I’m chosen to become a GameMaster, that I will, to the best of my ability, reflect all these characteristic to not only the staff, but also to the players.

    -Am a very quick learner.
    -I already know the the community very well.
    -With the permission of other staff members, I will watch and learn how
    to hold superb events.
    -I will be very active, on average four hours at a time,depending on my
    -I like to help players when needed to be helped.
    I will also be very active on the forums.

    What would you do if your not picked for GM: If I am not picked, I will
    still be enjoying my time playing on the server, and helping players. It'll
    also give me a chance to learn more, so when the time comes again for GM
    apps I will be ready.

    Additional Info:I love to play basketball,and football.I'm an honest
    person.Even though I'm fourteen,my maturity can pass, the same as anyone
    that is of my age.I'm a 3.5 average student.When lifes throws a challenge
    at me I don't back down. I'm ready , and willing to try anything you give

    Contact Info:

    Any other Information: I love Andy,Ced,Quincy and not
    Excision. Thank you to all my friends and guild members who have helped
    to reach my goal, and dreams come true.I wish the best of luck to anyone else who is applying.

    Thank you for Reading my Application

    Daniel Cao

    GM receommended me: Cedd,sara

    Last edited by Hermitcao on Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:41 pm; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : color)

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    Join date : 2011-12-04
    Location : IN Your Mother's V-JAY

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by CertifyCoder Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:38 pm

    very nice GM app lol i dont make the rules i only script server's Daniel . i Would re-Hire you if they agree with me .

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2011-12-10

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by xoAzn Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:48 pm

    Your app is well organized, but I think it's a little too staged as in everything seems like you're signing up for some intern place in a big company. There's not much of a personal taste to it. On the other hand, I like how you stated what a GM does, but also what YOU can do. Most people just post what GMs do.

    Posts : 13
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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Courage Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:46 pm


    Posts : 59
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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Sarax3 Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:40 pm

    Courage wrote:-.-...
    It's called constructive criticism dan, get use to it ;D
    Anyways it is really good (Cough) and i love the picture <3

    Posts : 64
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    Age : 28

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Uneec Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:46 am

    When and where did I recommend you? I find a flaw in your GM app and it worries me. I want trustworthy GM's and GM's that won't lie to me Daniel.

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    Age : 28

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Uneec Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:07 pm

    To be honest like, real talk. This doesn't seem like you or doesn't resemble how you talk and what you can actually come through with. I've known you for the longest time and this doesn't seem like you at all. Other than that, it was overall positive and very well organized. I wish you good luck.

    Posts : 59
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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Sarax3 Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:16 pm

    Look at cedd, going to comments.

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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Complex Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:34 pm

    Wow screw all of you im not in pictures or even mentioned -_-

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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Sarax3 Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:39 am

    Complex wrote:Wow screw all of you im not in pictures or even mentioned -_-

    Quincy you're always afk though ;O

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    Age : 27
    Location : Oranjestad, Arabia

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Curb Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:11 am

    Bullshit. You're not all that responsable. And wtf Dan, you signing up for Nasa? All you needed to do is slap down some stentances, a few compliments and boom you're in. Not write the Bibles sequel.

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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Courage Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:50 pm

    Curb shud up. All you do is whine all day.

    Posts : 26
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    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Triforce Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:59 pm

    Alalallaa, daniel for gm! If not already? Lol this seems not like you in the app, but regardless you were a good qgm, i thought you did flawlessly, and if me being a gm in anarchy still validates a recommendation i recommend him!

    Posts : 27
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    Age : 29
    Location : Michigan

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Complex Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:03 pm

    Wait didnt he quit? hahaha

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    Daniel's GM Application  Empty Re: Daniel's GM Application

    Post by Sarax3 Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:32 pm

    Triforce wrote:Alalallaa, daniel for gm! If not already? Lol this seems not like you in the app, but regardless you were a good qgm, i thought you did flawlessly, and if me being a gm in anarchy still validates a recommendation i recommend him!

    haha alalallaa, that reminds me of captain underpants ;D
    Anyways i agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
    but our inputs are kinda invalid for now Anthony ;D

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