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The server lives forever...

3 posters

    We're done here


    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    We're done here Empty We're done here

    Post by Triforce Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:02 am

    Alright, its very safe to agree at this point, the server is fucking done.
    Sick of checking everyday and getting nothing, busy, busy blah blah blah, than dont make a server, its as simple as that.
    We can pretty much assume the server is done for now, but than again, who knows, but for one, im sick of checking the server everyday and being dissapointed to see no change.
    So the quicker we all stop caring, this will just blow over and be another silly server you played for a few months than it died, we are no Rydah who will never be shutdown, or will always be up, just another mediocre server that dies.
    Goodbye all, maybe there will be a day when the server is actually up. But as of now, adios.

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-12-03
    Age : 28

    We're done here Empty Re: We're done here

    Post by Uneec Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:21 pm

    It is never completely done. Our flame still burns today. I will be back very soon actually :] No need to check on these forums for a while guys. I will find a way to contact you guys and everyone so we can be a family again. There's no stoppin' with me. I'll be back within a week :] See ya guys.

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    We're done here Empty Re: We're done here

    Post by Sarax3 Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:02 am

    Triforce wrote:Alright, its very safe to agree at this point, the server is fucking done.
    Sick of checking everyday and getting nothing, busy, busy blah blah blah, than dont make a server, its as simple as that.
    We can pretty much assume the server is done for now, but than again, who knows, but for one, im sick of checking the server everyday and being dissapointed to see no change.
    So the quicker we all stop caring, this will just blow over and be another silly server you played for a few months than it died, we are no Rydah who will never be shutdown, or will always be up, just another mediocre server that dies.
    Goodbye all, maybe there will be a day when the server is actually up. But as of now, adios.

    Just seeing if you're still alive.
    Hopefully you get the e-mail.
    You still get on steam?

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-12-03
    Age : 28

    We're done here Empty Re: We're done here

    Post by Uneec Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:48 pm

    Ew Sara.

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