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5 posters

    Kid Buu GM app

    Kid Buu

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-12-16

    Kid Buu GM app Empty Kid Buu GM app

    Post by Kid Buu Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:48 am

    Your Name: Garoga

    Your IGN:KidBuu
    Ingame Level/Rebirths:414 rebirth level 200
    Location/Time: spain getafe time UTC/GMT +1 hour
    How Active are You: i play in the day like 2-3 hour and in the holidays i play 5-6 hours
    How long have you been playing AnarchyMS or ImmortalMS: hmm.. i play immorta; in abut 1 week and abut anarchy i play it so long i was the 6th man who sing up anarchy and you know that
    Do you have any GM Experience, If so please provide proof, and a description: NO
    Why Should we Pick You what can you do to help, please do not rewrite anything from above:I can help server by defrent ways and many things becuse i have experience i played lots of server in 8 years so i see lots of things maybe i can help here
    What would you do if your not picked for GM:.........that will be not fair because i try lot of time buy no problem ill keep play immortal and keep voting for US.
    Additional Info:i thing you know all my information because i have been with you long time
    Contact Info: msn
    Any other Information:>>> i love you <<<

    Thank you for Reading my Application

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    Kid Buu GM app Empty Re: Kid Buu GM app

    Post by Triforce Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:28 am

    Yes, even if you were the 6th player, if i remember correctly, you said you were going to "ufck dis servur" Than you said you were gunna crash the server, than you rage quit..

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    Kid Buu GM app Empty Re: Kid Buu GM app

    Post by Sarax3 Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:14 am

    Lol'd at Anthony's comment, but i'd have to agree.
    Good luck.

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-12-03
    Age : 28

    Kid Buu GM app Empty Re: Kid Buu GM app

    Post by Uneec Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:49 pm

    This is far too short for a GM app. Your GM app isn't consistent. I find it kind of irksome. I do remember you were mad at us, and said I'm going to crash the server and all this nonsense, that isn't really helping you either.. Thank you for taking your time to posting this app.

    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2011-12-14
    Age : 27
    Location : Oranjestad, Arabia

    Kid Buu GM app Empty Re: Kid Buu GM app

    Post by Curb Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:33 pm

    Yes, even if you were the 6th player, if i remember correctly, you said you were going to "ufck dis servur" Than you said you were gunna crash the server, than you rage quit..
    LOOOL! Ikr! xDD

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