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    Shaf's GM App ;D


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-12-13
    Age : 28
    Location : Israel

    Shaf's GM App ;D Empty Shaf's GM App ;D

    Post by Shaf Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:36 pm

    Your Name: Shaf B.M.

    Age: 15 My birthday is on the 11-13-1996.

    Your IGN: Shaf.

    Ingame Level/Rebirths: My In-game level is 162 with 0 Rebirths.

    Location/Time: Israel/ +2GMT

    How Active are You: I can say I am pretty active. I can be on from 15:00PM to 22:00PM on weekdays and 11:00AM to 22:00PM weekends. Although my active hours can be changed due to my school work, tests, homework, basketball and more.

    How long have you been playing AnarchyMS or ImmortalMS: If I remember right, I have been playing AnarchyMS for about 1.5 months (?) I seriously can't remember. I have been playing ImmortalMS from the 13Th of December 2011.

    Do you have any GM Experience, If so please provide proof, and a description: I do have GM experience. My first experience as a GM was at PandaMS where I was a GM from when it started until it closed, which was almost 9 months. Another GM experience of mine was at SnakeStory which was a unknown Israeli server which I GM'ed in for 2 months, again, since it started until it got closed. My next GM spot was at a server called RosaMS which I was on for 3 weeks due to lack of professional other staff members.I recently tried to open my own server called MaplePark though I failed due to lack of hours to work with my coder and we both decided that we should stop working on it. From all those server's I had a picture but due to lack of disk space and lagging computer I had too delete almost all my stuff on my computer and also deleting all my pictures. I know must of people will see this as unprofessional but this is the real story.

    Why Should we Pick You what can you do to help, please do not rewrite anything from above: I somewhat remember this question from the AnarchyMS format. lol! . Anyway, You should pick me because I Have much experience as a GM and playing as a regular player in Global Maplestory and in Private servers. Secondly, I have much knowledge in solving problems in-game and between players. I believe a staff member should have certain qualities such as honesty, confidence, ability to solve and answer questions, and basically have fun. My character is based on those qualities, therefore I hope I will be picked.

    What would you do if your not picked for GM: If I wont get picked as GM I will probably stay 'cause I love to stay around people I like and care about like Quincy, Brandon, Daniel and Cedd. I will not just stay around, I will help the server as much as I can as a regular GM.

    Additional Info: I just want to say thanks to whoever read my application and dedicated time to do that. I also want to say good luck to whoever is applying.

    Contact Info: MSN: shahafbm(at) Email:shahafdive(at)
    Feel free to add me on MSN just to talk.

    Any other Information: Quincy Recommended me. *For proof of that please as privately Quincy or me.

    Thank you for Reading my Application.

    Shaf <3

    P.S.: I did not color this application because I did not feel like it afro altough, feel free to suggest anything.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:26 pm