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4 posters

    Abducted's App.


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    Abducted's App. Empty Abducted's App.

    Post by Abducted Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:32 pm

    Your IGN:Abducted

    Ingame Level/Rebirths:Level 1 Currently, 0 Rebirths

    Location/Time:PST -800

    How Active are You:Very active, I'm basically on for about, 7-9 hours a day for weekdays, Weekends I can be on for 9-14 hours.

    How long have you been playing AnarchyMS:
    I'm sure it doesn't matter how long you play a server. It's how much you put thought in forth and figuring how the server works.
    Yes i am familiar, and i do know the things around here and how they work.

    Do you have any GM Experience, If so please provide proof, and a description:
    I have gotten to experience before but I can't provide any proof since my old computer doesn't work, If I can get it to work I will show you the screen shots.

    Why Should we Pick You what can you do to help, please do not rewrite anything from above:
    The reason i want to become a GameMaster is so that i can help make the server more active and help it grow.
    When i help others a accomplish it, it feels great. I find myself more useful as GameMaster because i have more resources.
    I assure you i will not be a power hungry GameMaster and i will accomplish my responsibilities and duties.
    The most important thing to me about being a GameMaster is so that i can feel more useful to this server.

    What would you do if your not picked for GM:
    If i am not accepted i will still continue as a player I'd and keep working til i reach my goal.
    My goal is that i can once finally help others because i know lots of staff are busy and i would take the chance and try to help.
    Whether i quit or get back up. My goal is so that i get up and know i can really help the server and community.

    Thank you for Reading my Application:

    Sincerely Brandon

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    Abducted's App. Empty Re: Abducted's App.

    Post by Sarax3 Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:36 pm

    I like it a lot, except for:
    I'm sure it doesn't matter how long you play a server.

    Yeah it does, because you really need a knowledge on the back round of the players you're going to judge, and have an idea of who the staff is. Of course there will always be new players, but one does not simply join a server, expecting to be gm on his/her first day.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-12-11

    Abducted's App. Empty Re: Abducted's App.

    Post by Abducted Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:55 pm

    @Sarax3 Read the whole thing I said.

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2011-12-19
    Location : Ova Da Rainb0w

    Abducted's App. Empty Re: Abducted's App.

    Post by [K]id Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:01 am

    This guy spams GM applications all over maple private servers. I could provide more than 3 for you . But I'm not trying to advertise so I'm not putting the links here.

    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-12-03
    Age : 28

    Abducted's App. Empty Re: Abducted's App.

    Post by Uneec Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:58 pm

    Well, thank you for not advertising and notifying this for us.

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    Abducted's App. Empty Re: Abducted's App.

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